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Writer's pictureKatie Del Rocco

That's a wrap- April roundup

Revamped Easter show in San Antonio, short film and Yellawood shoots, representation, acting class, and COVID...


Easter came and went, and now I'm late giving you all a report! Thank you to everyone who helped with Pierced and Perfected- Live and Interactive! through rehearsing with me and/or praying for me, and thank you to the Mission Point Church in San Antonio for contributing their items for the set and making me feel so welcome! Eventually I'll have some great photos to share- thanks, Jenny Taliaferro!

If you're curious to see the interactive version, you can also watch the performance here for a couple more weeks. This link will soon be made private, so watch while you can! (The show starts at 40 min.)

My highlights from the show:

- Four musicians from the congregation played live on stage with me, using an orchestration one of them put together based on to the music in the Pierced and Perfected film. (And it wasn't just any guy throwing some music together! This brother has won awards for his orchestrations!)

-We used an LED light screen to add backgrounds to the scenes. This doesn't come across very well in the recording, but it was very cool in person and helped fill out the large conference center space. Huge shout out to Joshua Taliaferro for that idea and for all his tech help!

- The church loved the interaction. Thinking of their cheers for their volunteers and their laughter throughout the show makes me smile!

-And as always, my favorite moments were the conversations with audience members after the show, in which people shared their experiences with me and ways that Mary's story touched them. It's truly an honor to help people see their own story in the stories of the Biblical text.


My "kids" Ally and Aiden, and "brother" Harley (Ryan King)

Acting/auditions, etc...have been slow this year for most. But, I'm grateful to share that I did have two bookings: a short film shoot that was truly a fun one- a sweet story about a family growing together through a roadtrip with a childlike uncle- and a Yellawood print shoot.

The road trip film experience contained a first for me- shooting in an old 60's van in a studio with screens set up around the van playing footage of trees and road in motion to make it appear like we were driving down country roads. It was pretty cool, but tricky for the crew who had to make sure they eliminated pesky glares from every conceivable angle. It was a great experience working with 7th Story Productions.

It was a pleasure working with two young actors, Alli and Aiden, who played my children. I was struck by how supportive and encouraging their parents are. Kids and teens in show business is a whole other world to me, and one in which parents have to be ready for anything. Hearing how they made it work- with other kids at home, homeschooling, public schooling, managing extracurriculars... was pretty inspiring.

On the Yellawood shoot, I was fortunate to be added in last minute as background, so you most likely won't see me in their upcoming print materials, but it was a good time. I got paid (or will get paid eventually, anyway) to stand around in costume and makeup and chat with some very cool people. One of my favorite conversations of the day was with a guy from the art department who also runs a farm and teaches stone masonry classes. He gave me some advice on building my own retaining wall in my garden. You just never know who you will meet...


I've recently signed with representation in the Ohio/Kentucky region- Heyman agency- and am excited to expand my opportunities with them. People ask me about agents frequently, so I'll just briefly explain...

Agents generally represent their talent exclusively for a region of the country. So, you can have multiple agents in the US getting you auditions in different markets (ie- the Southeast, central, LA, NYC...) I hadn't really considered broadening my representation beyond the Southeast until this year; I just finally thought, "why not?"

My acting classes have been very valuable for me lately. I've been receiving some good tools for my craft and connecting with local artists. To those of you who pray for me, I'd like to ask that you please pray for the relationships these classes help facilitate to deepen and grow. At some later point, I'll have to share more about acting classes. I believe everyone should take one if given the opportunity!


Gandalf in his window seat we found for $6!

And...COVID. After 3 years of somehow avoiding it, I finally got it, and I think I caught it in San Antonio- (ironically, the same place where TJ and I had traveled in March of 2020 right before everything went into lockdown.) I had a rough weekend after, blamed it on allergies, thought I was negative because I'd forgotten to check the expiration dates on our home tests (oops!), gave it to TJ, and just felt gross for a couple weeks. We're both so grateful to be feeling normal again. The one upside...our sense of smell was so shot that we couldn't smell Gandalf's litterbox AT ALL.

Now that energy has been regained, it's a comfort to be outdoors in this beautiful spring we're having here. I'm trying to enjoy every bit of it before the heat of the summer arrives!

Last weekend TJ and I drove about an hour to visit a local waterfall. What a beautiful place we get to live in!

I hope you're all getting to enjoy some Spring yourself- hopefully without too many allergies...

All my love to you and HAPPY MAY!


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